The Integrity of our Democratic Election at Risk

The fact that many Americans are not completely freaking out and or upset about the 2020 election in the Untied States of America right now, just goes to show you how asleep and ignorant we the people really are in this country.

We will spend the next few paragraphs looking at a few cases of “alleged” fraud from this 2020 election.

  1. Philadelphia:

    One month before the election a warehouse that stores election machines was broken into and a laptop and Dominion key was stolen. The new owner of that key now has the power to manipulate the election numbers anyway he pleases. Officials didn’t catch the criminal, but declared the crime wasn’t malicious and quickly dismissed it. Conveniently Donald Trump “blew” a 800K vote lead in the dead of election night and ended up losing by 60K votes to Biden. 60K votes that suspiciously came from that same county where the laptop and key were stolen.


  2. Antrim County Michigan :

    In the 2016 election 62% of Antrim county voted for Trump proving its conservative loyalty. Four years later miraculously Biden beat out Trump in this 2020 election by 3k votes. The county did a re-count and discovered a huge error… 6k Trump votes were “accidentally” tallied for Biden. RNC chair woman Ronna McDaniel was told it was a software issue that was corrected, but whats scary is 47 more counties are using this same software.

    Republicans wanted an investigation, but Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State was quick to shut down such concerns as ridiculous, claiming human error. Which leads us to Dominion.


  3. Dominion voting systems:

    - A Canadian firm, serving 28 US states, and also conveniently placed in all of the battle ground states being challenged now in the 2020 election.

    - Democrats in a senate letter from 2019 (Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Mark Pocan) condemned dominion for “skimping on security in favor of convenience”. Those same Democrats are of course quit now on the issue.

    - Georgia bought 30k Dominion machines 9 months before the election. Their first time using it was a disaster, from technical issues ranging from software issues to circuits frying. Its also one of the swing states currently struggling now to verify the votes of the 2020 election. Two weeks after the election, flash drives from Dominion voting machines were found with uncounted votes on them, one containing 1500 votes for Donald Trump.

    - I.T. activists are another serious issue with Dominion. Never Trump-er and vice-president of engineering for Dominion Eric Cumer has been seen on social media bashing Trump and anyone who supported Trump since 2016. Posting the communist manifesto, f the USA, cop killer and much more. Eric was even heard saying “Trump is not going to win, I made F’en sure of that” well on a conference call with ANTIFA members (per Joe Oltman who infiltrated the call). Even more than this Eric has traveled across the US making sure his Dominion machines were put in place in all of the swing states. Once Eric Cumer had been exposed, he bleached his entire public record on all social media platforms, and even the Dominion website.

    - Sidney Powell posted sworn testimony of someone who claims he was present when the voting system was actually made at the request of Venezuela communist leader Hugo Chavez claiming “Chavez was most insistent that Smartmatic design the system in a way that the system could change the vote of each voter without being detected”. She has also made claims that those same manipulated machine were purchased by US Governors (with alleged kick back) and brought to America years ago and has been used to steal elections for years in this country. Sidney has also made bold claims like the counting of American votes are done in other countries, opening the door for fraud, and features were built into the machine allowing them to switch votes and more.


Conspiracy or inflated accusations? Either way, if we allow this election to be fraudulently stolen from the American people, and if these claims are not properly investigated and given their rightful day in court, then we may as well get familiar with the communist manifesto.

A country who’s people have no real say in their leaders, is bound to fall into the hands of dictators rich enough to install whom ever they chose.

Hundreds of whistle blowers have come forward with testimonies, videos, even affidavits claiming very shady accusations of voter fraud and cheating.

The other very troubling thing I’m seeing, is many Americans actually don't really care how their party wins, only that their party wins. This highlights another real problem in this country... how deep and effective is the propaganda machine? So effective that the lies that have caused so many to hate President Donald Trump have them willing to just completely throw out our democratic system in order to get rid of him?

Either way you cut it, we are in very dangerous and unprecedented times in America. Buckle up, we are in for a very bumpy ride. Father in heaven, in the mighty name of Your Son Jesus, give us peace and wisdom moving forward! What ever happens, we trust you are in full control. Amen.

Multiple sources from OAN, APS News, CBS


Joe Hunt

Writer and Editor for Gateway Pro

joe hunt