Decades of glorifying the villain are catching up to us.
Decades upon decades of glorifying the villain are finally catching up to us.
For years holly-weird has pushed this narrative on the masses that every bad guy in every movie is actually the good guy. The reject, rebel, who refuses to submit to any form of authority or take any sort of responsibility is actually the victim and has the right by any means to justify himself.
It's almost as if they have been conditioning the mind for a day such as this.
Was this the objective all along?
A day where rapists and cop killers are on the helmets of beloved athletes.
A day where super stars kneel for the national anthem to protest a small percentage of bad cops while spitting in the face of fallen soldiers and thousands of good cops.
A day where people resist arrest, don’t comply, and by standers pull out their phone, hit record and scream at the officers that they are actually committing the crime.
It's been in every movie since I was a kid. Not to mention every rap song from the 90's to now. "F the Police" by NWA, "America's Most Wanted" by 2pac, and on and on.
The old adage "what goes in must come out" comes to mind. We have digested this crap for decades and now that seed is bearing its evil fruit. The villain is now the good guy and the good guy is now the villain.
Recently two cops were assassinated in LA and the shooter is already being hailed a hero by the loony left. Evil BLM protesters blocked the ambulance as it tried to take the wounded cops to the hospital. Absolutely disgusting! However, this is portrayed as heroic by those who have been conditioned to think so.
How about the rapist shot 7 times by police officers? He was not only resisting arrest but proceeded to run to his car for a weapon and is now a millionaire thanks to social media raising money via Gofundme (who by the way would have shut this down had it been a conservative).
To make matters worse for us still in the land of reality, his name is being plastered on the helmets of NFL players on nationally televised games. Imagine how the woman he raped feels seeing his name on her favorite NFL players helmet?
As a Christian, I cannot help but think of the words written by the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, "they call evil good and good evil." If you ask me, the only conclusion I can draw is, yes, we are, in fact, in the last days, and America has become the new sodon and ghamora ripe and ready for the judgment of God.
In my opinion, it's only a matter of time before civil war breaks out, the republic falls, and God brings judgment on this world UNLESS revival hits America. This is the only way we avoid this... repenting and turning our hearts back to God as a nation.
I do however have moments of optimism when I see people awaken from this delusion but then things like the LA police assassination happen and I see people celebrating and my optimism dies.
The worst part of it all is holly-weird, media, and the news are not only complicit but actually pushing this delusional narrative.
It is up to us who see it for what it is, who must speak out boldly and loud in an attempt to awaken our brethren. By doing this, hopefully we can avoid what I fear is coming.
In conclusion, it is no surprise to me to see where we are as a society considering the entertainment we have digested for the last 30 years and the backwards message of demonizing law, goodness, and obedience.
It would seem the programming is complete and now the puppet masters can pull the strings however they like. The Pinocchio’s of society will gladly follow in this delusion.
Pray. Repent. Turn off these social engineering programs, open the Word of God, and pray. I still have hope. I still stand in opposition, speaking Gods truth. Lord bless our efforts in awakening your children.
Joe Hunt
Writer and Editor for Gateway Production