From start to finish , stories of hope, adversity, triumph, dedication, compassion, loyalty and duty.
Every single person who stepped on stage had their own story and view of who President Donald Trump is, no matter the role. Whether , his role as a father, business man, friend, husband, negotiator, or leader, there was always a commonality, he was real.
Real is what you get with this President, not bought by Washington, and 100% unfiltered. Who doesn’t love a straight shooter? He is exactly who we needed to save this Country.
America needs to stay America, we needed a boost of confidence, and Patriotism and boy did they deliver.
Herschel Walker, football player ,friend of Donald Trump’s for 37 years, a deep personal friendship he states. “ I watch him treat janitors , security guards ,and waiters the same way he he would treat a VIP.” “He understands they are the people that make this Country run”
Independent Rand Paul, said I remember meeting Donald Trump and thinking to myself wow he is such a down to Earth man. He states “ Our occasional policy differences are far outweighed by our significant agreements”
“ President Trump gets things done” These men worked on the most historical tax cut in our history for the middle class.
The signing of the First Step Act , has reversed the damage of 1994 Crime Bill .Crime bill supported and passed by Joe Biden. Alice Johnson , a first time non violent drug offender, served 22 years in prison because of this crime bill. President Trump commuted her sentence and on August 28th 2020 was pardoned.
Real American stories, with real results, because of the policies of the Trump Administration. We heard from Dairy Farm owner, in Wisconsin Cris Peterson, and Maine Lobsterman Jason Joyce, who were the forgotten men and women , that Trump has forgotten no more.
Abby Johnson 8 years in planned parenthood and who witnessed a live abortion.Abby walked away and became a Pro life activist.. President Trump is the most Pro life President she has ever seen. He banned federal funds for global foundations who were performing abortions and has appointed the most Pro life Supreme Court Justices.
The platform of tax cuts, school choice, individual liberties, pro life, de regulation, smaller government , Conservative judges, historical trade deals, peace treaties, rebuilding the middle class.A billionaire who walked away from a life of luxury , to be a shield against the radically progressive ,left wingers ,that have hijacked the Democrat Party.
Many Democrats including House Representative Vernon Jones , Bernie Sanders supporters, and Liberals stepped on stage to support our President. After doing their own research, they dug deep and were adamant that President Trump is helping all Americans. That he is the hope we need to fix this Country, and continue to move forward.
The quote that stole the week was Ivanka Trump , it embodied all that our President is as the leader of the free World, “Washington has not changed Donald Trump,Donald Trump has changed Washington” What a profound statement . When she spoke, her smile and positive remarks about her father hit every daughter right in the feels, she truly loves and respects her Dad.
I have never been more proud to be on the right side of history. The RNC was just what we needed to see and hear. Stories of hope, Conservative values, love of Country , and put God back into the conversation. May we fight for this Country and our values the way our President has been for 4 years, let’s get 4 more.
rights reserved by Leah Hoopes
Leah Hoopes
Writer and Patriot.
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