Have Democrats become domestic enemies of the Republic?
Oath of Office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
A brief summary on the history of this oath…
“While the oath-taking dates back to the First Congress in 1789, the current oath is a product of the 1860s, drafted by Civil War-era members of Congress intent on ensnaring traitors…”
“In 1789, the First Congress reworked this requirement into a simple fourteen-word oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States…."
“The outbreak of the Civil War quickly transformed the routine act of oath-taking into one of enormous significance. In April of 1861, a time of uncertain and shifting loyalties, President Abraham Lincoln ordered all federal civilian employees within the executive branch to take an expanded oath. When Congress convened for a brief emergency session in July, members echoed the president's action by enacting legislation requiring employees to take the expanded oath in support of the Union. This oath is the earliest direct predecessor of the modern oath.” - Per (www.senate.gov/artandhistory)
Like the civil war that birthed the new “Iron Clad” oath it seems this new civil war is exposing those who refuse to obey this oath and or hate the oath all together. Why do they hate the oath? Because they hate our constitution. They hate America.
Obama’s plan was to “fundamentally change” this country, and we were well on our way until the great 2016 upset. The enemy of our constitution (the democratic party/the establishment, including RINO’S,) have not gotten over this upset and will not. You see this upset reverses everything they accomplished in weakening America and turning it into a communist country.
Patriots have risen up!! I will save this for another article. Right now I want to illustrate how the democratic party have, in fact, turned on America and have become the domestic enemy of our great constitution.
The right of the people to peaceably assemble?
How is it that violent leftist mobs like antifa and blm are allowed to scream hateful things like "kill all cops", riot, actually burn down police stations, small businesses, and create their own "government" inside their own state, unbothered and even encouraged by communist democrat politicians? In fact, when confronted, most democrat politicians pretend to know nothing about it or, in one case, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan spun it into a positive and called it “patriotic” comparing it to the Tea Party.
But when conservatives gather to support cops or the Second Amendment 1. they are not violent 2. they are not destructive and yet they are physically attacked by this same violent mob (Antifa and BLM). To top that off they are then verbally demonized by these same Democrat politicians. These "pro" right to assemble politicians are silent when conservatives are attacked. One Colorado Democratic regime under Governor Polis even ordered police to stand down while conservatives were being attacked by Antifa and BLM leading to many conservatives getting beat up and bloodied?
It seems they support freedom to assemble only when it supports their narrative or their ideology. Is this not against the 1st Amendment of our constitution? Is this not communism?
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?
A couple in St. Louis fell victim to the violent leftist mob when it entered the gated community onto their private property. The mob flooded their driveway when finally out of fear they decided to arm themselves, confront the mob, and protect themselves and the property they have worked hard to obtain. Now this same couple has been hit with individual felony counts of unlawful exhibiting of a weapon by St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner... for defending them selves and their property? Wow. Is this not against our 2nd amendment in our constitution? Is this not communism?
Freedom of speech?
Conservatives worldwide are being shut down, de-platformed, canceled and silenced. Yet violent groups like the ones mentioned prior are allowed to spew hate. Their assemblies are protected by a tax payer funded police force while conservative assemblies are unprotected and allowed to be trampled on. Police officers like Officer Greg Anderson are losing their job in Democrat states for speaking out and being pro-Constitution. People in the private sector are even losing their jobs for their political position. Disgustingly, left leaning media giant The NY Times and Democrat politicians like Castro are actually doxing conservatives making their private addresses known to the public in hopes that the violent mob will attack and harm them for their ideological position. Twitter has even censored the POTUS… Is this not directly against our first amendment? Or is this more like communism?
The list goes on. Red flag laws by-passing our due process. Shutting down small businesses and thus depriving life and liberty of the middle class while elite democratic donors like Wal-Mart and Amazon are allowed to operate freely. Shutting down churches, prohibiting the free exercise of our religion. But burning down police stations in violent mobs is patriotic.
The democratic party and RINO’s alike have truly become the domestic enemy our forefathers knew would come. Like a Trojan horse they have infiltrated and corrupted our schools, our media, and have weaponized every institution in this country against our own history and our constitution. These domestic constitutional terrorists must be stopped. I will end with a quote from TJ. One I think we need right now, in fact it’s the only thing I feel like I can do in these times…
“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves ; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”
― Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson
Joe Hunt
Writer and Editor for Gateway Pro