Time to Get off the Fence and Protect Freedom
Please join C.C.C.R. on signal to join our freedom group or email ccotcr@gmail.com
The information purge has begun. Today its conservatives, tomorrow its you. This is a clear picture of how the new monarchy will be operating.
Please don't be fooled those of you in the middle. Don't get caught in a false sense of security. You too are not safe. You may not be up in arms about whats happening now, but how about when they begin to make vaccinations mandatory? Or make the bible hate speech? Or what about when they take your weapons in the name of safety, just like they took your ability to feed your family with covid?
Please get your head out of the sand, and wake up to what is taking place right now in this country. Freedom needs you! We need you! The elites who have ruined our country and shredded our constitution are now in the driver seat with no one to stop them. Even the corrupt and sold out GOP are bought and paid for by who knows?
Before they could even officially take office they showed their hand, and boy was it ugly. This will get worse, before it gets better, if it gets better. You need to get up and get loud right now with us. Join our struggle for freedom. They will remove us first then they will move to take the only means to which we can defend our selves (2A), and then they will come for you. We must put our petty differences aside, right now, and come together in this struggle for freedom.
Everyone who knows history, and could see the divide between Americans knew this moment was bound to come. Our prayer is this does not lead to a civil war, but we are not foolish to think this off the table. Sadly war has plagued this world since its inception and will be something we can never do away with until the Father takes us home. Their will always be evil, and those who seek to rule everyone else. Because of this; war is just something that is.
But America is most certainly different. It was deemed the great experiment because no time in the history of this world has their existed a nation as powerful as ours that was ruled by its people for its people? No nation deemed all men created equal by God. No nation set up a bill of rights to protect their God given rights. It was new, it was blessed, and it is now under siege. This country and its living and breathing founding documents, are worth protecting. Please pray, and ask what God needs of you right now in these evil and unprecedented times.
Join our freedom group on signal if you are in Colorado and tired of tyranny. The group is C.C.C.R. and its not a chat group but a protect our freedom group. Or email us at ccotcr@gmail.com (until google shuts this email off).
Joe Hunt
Writer for Gateway Productions