A.I. Activated!
I remember the first time I watched The Terminator thinking to myself “Wow. What if one day we do have robots that turn on us in the future?” I never for a second thought that day would come so soon, but here we are. Of course I don’t mean we are shooting guns at metal bots in a battlefield. When I say robots, I mean artificial intelligence aka A.I. This is the robot i speak of, and this can be even scarier in that, although it doesn’t kill us physically it has the power to block information from getting to the masses, thus killing us intellectually. Keeping us from facts, history, religion and more.
Sadly, this isn’t robot vs man we are seeing, instead, man using robots or artificial intelligence against man. What’s even more terrifying is that these people behind weaponizing A.I. are not using it to fight terrorism, sex trafficking, or even bullying. Instead they have decided to attack an apparently more sinister sect… conservative and christian ideas. Apparently capitalism, being pro-life, being anti-socialism and christian doctrine have all been deemed more dangerous to America than porn or terrorism. If it were not then why do both of these freely use the highways and byways of the internet unchallenged by big tech, all well conservative platforms are being censored at an alarming rate. They are not just censored but demonetized effecting livelihoods, and even flat out shut down all together taking away conservative voices like a totalitarian regime.
Not only have they activated artificial intelligence against conservatives in an attempt to de-platform them, they are also now under investigation for possibly interfering with the 2016 election they are believed to have swayed nearly 2 to 10 million votes by either suppressing, creating algorithms, or promoting certain candidates over others. And more recently its believed to have swayed 78 million voters for democratic candidates in the 2018 elections. This should terrify everyone.
Although we cant see these bots, they exist and are being used against conservatives and Christians today. I believe this was a plan by the prior administration to extinguish opposition and keep power for years to come to further their agenda. Sadly I wish this were only a crazy conspiracy but here are some scary facts to back up this seemingly outlandish claim…
1 . Susan Rice is now on the board of directors for Netflix?
2. In total, we found 45 employees who had previously worked or volunteered with the Hilary campaigns, the Obama campaigns, or the Obama White House and are now employed by Facebook, Facebook-owned companies, or the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative. This does not include Facebook employees who do not have Linkedin accounts or neglected to mention past experience on their profiles. - by ALLUM BOKHARI
3. Youtube has placed 200 videos of PragerU on their restricted list. These are not porn, or violent videos, these are religious and educational videos placed on their restricted list. When asked why youtube responded saying simply “They are inappropriate for children”. Examples of some of the videos youtube has deemed “inappropriate” include a video on the Ten Commandments, a video highlighting the history of communism, a video highlighting the dangers of Islam and more. Yes, youtube deemed these inappropriate. - PragerU
Sadly there is so much more. From a conservative woman having her pay-pal shut down, not allowing her to get paid, to another anti-establishment man having his bank accounts closed. It’s a collaborative effort from fb, youtube, twitter, to chase, pay-pal, and more. Once you make their black list you are forever a target.
The one good thing that is coming from this is a grassroots media movement like this one. People are resisting and fighting back by building their own platforms, relying on independent sources, and boycotting leftist controlled companies. You can help us in this fight by joining the boycotts and sharing these independent sources. The only way we can fight darkness is with light, what they are trying to keep silent we need to shout from roof tops, and what they are trying to keep in the dark we need to bring to light! If all the books ive read and movies ive watched are right, good always wins. A.I. doesn’t stand a chance when we rise as one voice and refuse to be censored or silenced.
Joe HUnt
Joe Hunt: Founder, writer, editor, host, of Colorado Christian Conservative and The Patriots Whistle.